First register on the conference website registration page.
Then go to the Stirling University online shop.
If paying for yourself/one person only, simply select the fee that applies to you/them below and then you will have the option to add a social tour; Select the tour you want (or none) and click ‘Confirm items’; then click ‘Add to Basket’, then ‘Proceed to Checkout’. You will then need to register on the site to pay. If not booking for yourself, make sure that you include their name when checking out so we know who you have paid for.
If paying for more than one person, you need to add the ticket for each one individually with or without a social tour – going through essentially the same process as above before clicking ‘Proceed to Checkout’. After you’ve added the first person (say a KBS member), you can add additional people for the same attendee category/fee (also KBS members) by clicking ‘Add attendee’, selecting the tour again, confirming, and adding to the basket again. To add an additional person on a new attendee category (e.g. a PhD student), you can EITHER use the back button on your browser to go back to the opening page and select the ticket type OR click on ‘Continue Shopping’ to take you to the university’s online shop ‘homepage’ and where you can find and reselect the KBS conference (click ‘Conferences & Events’ [from the menu on the left] > Faculties > Communications, Marketing and Recruitment > The Kettil Bruun Society 50th Anniversary Symposium 2025).
You can then repeat the process of selecting the attendee category for each person you wish to pay for as often as you need until your basket shows the right combination of attendees and social tours. If you have any difficulties, please email: kbs2025scotland@gmail.com.
Participants can now complete their registration and pay their conference fees.
This fee includes entrance to sessions, coffee breaks, the 50th Anniversary Dinner, as well as the Welcome Reception. We plan to provide lunch at no extra cost on full days i.e. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the conference, income permitting.
More information on the registration page!
The Universities of Stirling and Glasgow are delighted to be hosting the 2025 annual symposium which will be held from 9th-13th June in Glasgow. Famous for castles and clans, intrigue, and independence, as well as science, innovation and discovery, Scotland is a modern country rich in history and full of drama. For years, Scotland has welcomed the world's greatest thinkers, pioneers, innovators and leaders and we are looking forward to continuing the tradition of innovation and inspiration with the KBS 2025 conference.
Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city with excellent transport links to the rest of the country as well as a direct rail link to the centre of London, plus an international airport with direct flights to 57 destinations including all London airports, the USA, Canada, major European airports and Dubai. The main conference venue – the James McCune Smith Learning Hub – is a modern purpose-built venue positioned at the heart of Glasgow’s vibrant West End district. The building has large open spaces leading to its many lecture theatres and seminar rooms making it perfect for this 5-day conference.
Director of ISMH and Organising Committee Chair Professor Niamh Fitzgerald said:
“We are delighted to be the hosts of KBS2025 in Scotland and looking forward to making the 50th Anniversary conference a highly memorable and enjoyable experience for all delegates. As always, we are looking forward to lively, supportive discussions on emerging research on all aspects of alcohol use, problems, interventions and policies”.
“We are particularly focused on supporting colleagues from low- and middle-income countries to attend, and hope that delegates will take the opportunity to organise side events and meetings to maximise our precious time together as a research community. The spirit of international cooperation will be strong at KBS Scotland, and we have a few surprises up our sleeves to add to the 50th Anniversary experience”.
Co-host, Professor Jim Lewsey from the School of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, added: “KBS 2025 will be held in the beautiful surroundings of the University of Glasgow and its campus that combines modern facilities with over 500 years of history. At the School of Health & Wellbeing, we are looking forward to welcoming you and sharing our alcohol research with the world.”
The 50th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Brunn Society is supported by the Glasgow Convention Bureau, the Institute of Alcohol Studies, and Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems. Other sponsors to be confirmed shortly.
Registration and the Call for Abstracts will open on 1st of November 2024 and closes on the 9th of December 2024 via the 2025 conference website at https://kbs2025scotland.org/ . To join the mailing list and be notified of any updates, including final fees, email kbs2025scotland@gmail.com